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Tonight's The Night (Night #5) Page 7

  “What are you doing here?” I try to sound happy and surprised, but she knows from my tone immediately that something is way, way off.

  “I wanted to surprise you,” she says, pulling out of our hug. She’s maintaining her composure but there’s a thread of anxiety between us. “I thought I would do some sight-seeing before you got home and then call you when I knew you’d be here. I couldn’t resist getting a look at your fabulous new house. What are you doing here, anyway?”

  “I got off work early,” I say. “Listen, Em, we need to talk.”

  That’s when her eyes flicker behind me. The expression on her face says everything — she sees Angela and she knows there’s something going on. I hear Angela get out of the car and come over to us.

  “Let’s go inside,” Angela says, laying her hand on Emily’s arm. Emily nods and the girls walk up ahead of me, waiting at the gate for me to enter the passcode. Angela knows the code, of course, but out of deference for Emily she doesn’t reveal this information. No one wants to find out their father is with their best friend because they had too much intimate knowledge about their home.

  We get inside the house and the motion-sensor lights flicker on. Emily drops her carry-on by the front door and walks over to the living room. I’m on the edge of feeling relieved that Emily decided to show up. Now I have one less day to anticipate this difficult discussion.

  The girls sit down in the living room and I grab a few bottles of sparkling water from the refrigerator. I hand them to the girls and Emily twists the cap off, taking a long sip.

  “What do we need to talk about?” she asks. Her eyes shift from mine to Angela’s.

  “We…” Angela looks to me for help.

  “We are dating, Emily. It started when you guys came home for the summer and it’s serious. I’ve had feelings for her since after her 18th birthday and this is a serious relationship. The most serious I’ve had since your mom.”

  I sit down next to Angela and take her hand in mine. Emily just looks at us and I watch as she goes through all the emotions I knew to anticipate: shock, disbelief, denial.

  She takes another sip of her water and looks at Angela.

  “Are you okay?” Angela asks gently, putting her hand on Emily’s knee.

  She holds her water bottle to me.

  “I’m going to need a stronger drink.”

  “I’ve got it,” Angela says, hopping up from her seat. “I think we could all use a drink right about now.

  My eyes track her and she looks back at us, smiling.

  “I just wanted to surprise you,” Emily says.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, reminding her that she hasn’t really answered Angela’s question.

  “I don’t know. I think I’m more shocked than anything. You and Angela.” She puts her hand on her forehead as Angela comes back with a few beers, already uncapped. She puts one in Emily’s hand and she takes a long sip then wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and lets out a big sigh.

  “Do you have any questions?” Angela asks softly.

  “A million,” Emily replies. “I wouldn’t even know where to start. Dad, I had a feeling you’d met someone because you actually seem happy. Even through the phone I could tell something had changed in you. You seemed to have lost your edge, or something.”

  We all sit in silence for a few moments. I lean back on the sofa and take a big, deep breath. It seems that everyone is just focusing on breathing right now. I finally look over at Emily and stand up.

  “We have a bedroom for you here,” I say. “There’s a lovely view of the ocean and it’s on the other end of the house from my and Angela’s suite. You can stay here as long as you want and if you’d like to live here instead of on campus in the fall, you are more than welcome. I would love to have you here, but I understand if you don’t feel comfortable with it.”

  “Can I see my room?”

  “Let me,” Angela says. “Come. I’ll grab your bag for you.”

  “If you don’t mind,” Emily replies, “I’d like my dad to show me. I promise I’m not mad or anything, but I need to speak with my father privately.”

  “Of course,” Angela says. “I’ll be here when you come back.”



  Joshua comes downstairs about an hour later. The house smells like sautéed garlic and lemon. One of my favorite things to do when I’m worried is cook something. It makes the time go by faster and it focuses my attention. It’s a constructive way for me to channel my frustrations. Plus, you have to eat eventually. Cooking is a way to nourish your body and your soul.

  “How did it go?” I ask over my shoulder as Joshua comes up behind me. I’m stirring some angel hair pasta into a big pot of boiling, salty water. Joshua can feel my anxiety humming through me like a plucked guitar string and he puts his hands on my shoulders, massaging gently. A little moan of appreciation and comfort comes from my lips. That feels good.

  I hear some movement from the stairs and turn my face to see Emily walking down the stairs. She’s changed out of her plane outfit and into some sweats, and she’s smiling softly. I let out a sigh of relief.

  “Jesus, I was scared,” I say, breaking away from Joshua softly and crossing the kitchen to hug Emily. “I want you to know we didn’t want you to find out like this, with it sprung on you. We were going to sit you down and explain everything. We had everything planned. I’m sorry you found out this way.”

  “It’s okay,” Emily laughs, wiping away a tear from her cheek. She rocks me back and forth in our hug. “The only difference between what you guys were planning and what happened was that I flew commercial instead of private.”

  “How was your flight, anyway?” I say, pulling away from her and holding her at arm’s length. “That’s the first thing you’re supposed to say when you see someone who just spent the last four hours traveling.”

  “It was good,” she says, “I slept the whole way. Whatever you’ve got going smells good.”

  “Come,” I say, taking her by the hand. I park her in one of the chairs at the high, wide kitchen island and take down a few plates from a cabinet.

  “So,” Emily says, putting her elbows on the island.

  “So,” I repeat, leaning back against the counter opposite her.

  “All I ask is that if I’m here and you guys need to show each other any affection that you stay on your side of the house while you do it.”

  “So you aren’t mad?” I bite my lip as warmth settles around me. I already know she isn’t mad. She wears her heart on her sleeve and if it were damaged she wouldn’t be able to hide it. She doesn’t prevaricate and she doesn’t pretend.

  “I’m surprised,” she says. “Do I think it’s a little weird that a guy who knew a woman when she was just a kid and young enough to be his own kid would end up dating her? Hell yes. But I also know how he treats women. I know that he’s kind and caring. I know that he would never do something callous for his own selfish intentions. And I know that something changed in him after our graduation. I know that he’s happier than he’s ever been.”

  “It’s true. She makes me happy.” He turns to me. “Angela, you make me so happy. I don’t want to wait any longer to do this.”

  He’s suddenly striding toward me with a fierce, sexy, determined look in his deep blue eyes. My heart skips a beat when I see him reach into his pocket and pull out a small blue box.

  “Did you know about this?” I say, my eyes flashing to Emily.

  “Just gave him my blessing twenty minutes ago.”

  “Oh my God!” I shout as Joshua gets down on one knee.

  “Angela, you have opened my eyes. You’ve made me so happy. I want the privilege of devoting myself to you for the rest of my life. I feel like I was asleep before you and now I’m awake. You opened up something inside me that was long-dormant and something I thought I would never gain back. You were the only thing I could think of for an entire year. I struggled and tried to swim against the current but then
I finally stopped fighting and let the current take me to you. To where I’m supposed to be. Making you happy forever. Loving the hell out of my angel. Angela, will you marry me?”

  “Yes!!” I shout as he slides the beautiful ring onto my trembling finger. He rises to his feet, takes my face in his hands, and crushes his lips into mine with a bruising kiss. But it’s soft. It isn’t urgent. It’s a kiss from a man who knows he isn’t going anywhere.

  “Guys, what did I say about PDA?” Emily laughs. Then Joshua grabs my hand and rushes me upstairs, carries me into our bedroom, and shuts the door behind us.

  “I love you, Angela,” he says as he starts to unbutton his pants and roll up his sleeves. I turn around and wiggle my ass at him, teasing him with my short pleated skirt. He flips it up and lays a hard smack on my butt, making me gasp and then melt into a smile.

  “I love you too, Joshua.”

  He flips me over, grabs my hips, and climbs on top of me, running a hand up my outer thigh.

  “What about dinner?” I suddenly realize the pasta will turn to mush if it isn’t taken out of the water. I also know that Emily will tend to it while I’m busy taking care of something else…something more important.

  “We have all night,” Joshua whispers against my lips. “And I have a feeling it’s going to be a very good one.”


  Joshua - Four Years Later

  The cool blue light of the pool illuminates Angela, making her look ethereal, beautiful…gorgeous. Her long brown hair is piled up on her head and pieces are falling around her cheekbones in flowing tendrils. I sit back and take a long pull of my beer. This is everything to me right now.

  Her narrow black skirt contours to her thighs and ass like a dream. Her stiletto heels make her legs look like candy. Since having two kids in four years, her body has changed. Her hips seem wider. Her breasts are fuller. Everything about her body still drives me crazy, but her curves make my mouth water every time I look at her. I know when I pull her down into my lap at the end of a long day at work she’ll be eager to kiss my lips, pull on my hair, and beg me to fuck her. She’ll press her wet pussy against my cock and ride up and down as I hold her off from sliding down the length of my cock. I love to get her on edge and riled up before claiming her. I love to feel her clit pulse against my cock and I love to tease her. When she begs, it’s a reminder that I’m her man and no one else will have her like I do.

  And I do. I claim her every single day. I claim her over and over again. And when she wants to go to the beach with the kids, I tell her she better put on her tightest little bikini and pretend she doesn’t know how the whole world looks at her. She asks for her punishment nightly and I give it to her.


  Emily’s voice interrupts my thoughts. I’ve been on edge all day waiting for the poll results, but observing my stunning wife from the other side of the backyard nearly pulled my ankles into a tide of wonder and love.

  “What’s up, sweetheart?” I ask, sitting up in the recliner at the edge of the pool. Everyone around me is buzzing.

  “There are results.”

  Angela’s eyes find me from the other side of the backyard and she gives me a confident smile and a little fist-bump from five yards away. I stand and bring my beer into the house, where we have most of my staffers and campaign team sitting and frantically shouting into their phones. It was Angela’s idea for me to run for mayor. At first I told her I didn’t want the responsibility — that I wanted to devote all of my time and energy to her and our new family. But she encouraged me. She saw how fulfilled I was professionally by working as a public defender and then opening a law clinic that provides bro-bono legal representation for those who need it. And since the appointment is only four years it would be a perfect opportunity for me and we could reassess again after my term ended. That’s if I win.

  Angela and I walk through the glass doors to the living room, with our youngest, Riley, on her hip. Our three-year-old is in the kitchen doing something on a tablet. His favorite thing to do is color. I think he might actually have an inclination toward the arts, which would be fabulous. We’ve filled our home with so much beauty, and that includes Peter’s artwork. We’ve also filled our home with love.

  I’m fulfilled in my career, yes, but nothing can compare to the personal fulfillment of having more children. I was overwhelmed with joy when Emily was born; having two more has multiplied that joy.

  Inside, everyone is buzzing around except Angela. She almost feels like an anchor. My eyes find my campaign advisor and he flashes me a look and then takes a pause, then gives me a thumbs-up.

  “We won?” I ask cautiously. He nods.

  “We won!”

  A huge smile breaks out on my face and I clasp my hands behind my head. My advisor nods and everyone breaks out in a cheer, champagne bottles are being popped, and Angela kisses Riley, cooing against her neck.

  “Your daddy is the mayor, sweetheart.”

  I take Riley and give her a kiss on the forehead, then cradle her in my arms and hand her to Emily. I sweep my wife into my arms and kiss her.

  “Come with me upstairs for a minute,” I whisper against her lips, taking her hands in mine. I rub my thumbs over her wrists and then lead her to the stairs. I take a quick look back. Everyone’s congratulating each other and clapping each other on the back. No one’s even looking at us.


  I may have accidentally let a low growl come out when I saw the mayoral incumbent checking my woman’s ass out at a benefit last month.

  She loves how fucking possessive I can get.

  “Where are you taking me, Mr. Mayor?” she flits up the stairs and I follow her, not bothering to pretend I’m not staring at her round, swaying ass.

  “I’m taking you to my office,” I say. “You’ve been a very bad girl. You love men looking at you, don’t you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I promise no one was looking at me. You’re my man, Mayor Stevens.”

  I don’t get her to the bedroom before I’m walking toward her and making her back up against the wall. Her ass hits the wall and she startles as I crush my lips down on hers and slide a hand down her skirt. She moans into my mouth as I find her clit, spreading her lips open to work tight circles over her.

  “Oh God,” she moans against my mouth. I keep working her clit and lick and suck and bite her lips with feather-light touches. One of my arm snakes around to her back and I slide my hand out of her panties to put my fingers into her mouth. She whimpers around my fingers and her deep blue eyes sparkle. I take her hand and guide her into the bedroom where I throw her onto the bed and unfurl my pulsing cock from my pants.

  “Oh your knees, bad girl,” I rasp, and she obliges, arching her back as I grab her hips. I pull her ass against my bare cock, easing the skirt up her smooth thighs. Inch by inch her skin is revealed, until I’m looking down at a tight strip of lace covering smooth, bare flesh beneath. She is so wet that I can see the outline of her pussy lips through the wet lace, and after taking a few quick swipes at her clit from behind, I rip the black lace panties and use my thumbs to peel apart her lips. “Who the hell is this for, bad girl?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she cries. “You were only kissing me. I don’t know how I got so wet.”

  “Was this for some other guy?” I grunt, running my hands over the smooth globes of her ass. Her desire is more evident than I’ve seen since the first time we were together,

  “I think I got wet for you, Mr. Mayor. I know my pussy is only for you.”


  I slide my cock between her wet folds and slide through her in one sweeping movement and grab her hips to bounce her ass off my pelvis. I sink into her tight pussy over and over until we’re both moving in perfect unison.

  “Ride me, baby,” I groan, threading my hand through the knot of hair piled on her head and sending her over the edge.

  I bottom out in her and burst as she tenses an
d releases, milking every drop of cum from me. We both collapse together and I pull her into my arms, kissing her hair.

  “I love you, Angela,” I whisper.

  “I love you too, Joshua.”

  But we can’t fall asleep. We have a long night of celebrating ahead of us.

  And I don’t mean celebrating the win I’ve claimed today…

  The End

  Night Moves - Preview

  How did I end up alone in a hotel room with the only man I’ve ever wanted - my dad’s best friend?

  Bad luck tends to follow me. In the span of twelve hours, I had the cops called on me, my car broke down, and the on-campus apartment I’m supposed to move into isn’t ready yet.

  But my luck changes when my dad’s cop friend offers to lend a hand.

  Big, strong, powerful. Chris is the only man I’ve ever wanted, and I want him to see me as something more than his friend's daughter, so I do what seems like a good idea at the time - I put on a curve-hugging little white dress and ask him to drive me to a party on campus.

  Turns out my plan worked a little too well, and when some frat guy jerk tries something with me, my dad’s friend goes into ultra-protective beast-mode.

  He says I’m his. That no one is allowed to put a hand on me but him.

  But does he just want to protect me and keep me safe - or does he want to do something else to me, too?

  After all, he’s too old for me, too much my dad’s friend, and too much of a by-the-book guy.


  Please enjoy this short, steamy novella :)

  This book is part of the “Night” series, but each is a stand-alone and the books in the series can be read in any order.